The process that you go through to adopt a child is hard. Management Assistant Dylan Nichols shares his story.
International Women's Day 2021 at Enterprise was a busy programme of events, blogs, resources and conversation
Alyssa Kreutzer is Enterprise UK’s only female Group Rental Manager. She advocates 'finding your voice' to promote equality.
For another consecutive year, Enterprise is featured on the UK's most rigorous benchmark for gender balanced leadership
Many working mothers encounter discrimination from maternal bias, which research shows is the strongest gender bias
Attribution bias refers to the errors we make when we try to find reasons for behaviour and that this means we favour men
Performance bias is the tendency to underestimate a woman’s performance and to overestimate a man’s
Likability bias is the tendency to find women less likeable when they don’t meet traditional gender norms
Affinity bias is the natural tendency to gravitate towards people who are most like us
When different types of discrimination interconnect and overlap, this is called intersectionality
Unconscious biases are mental shortcuts that simplify the world and people to enable us to make fast decisions
Parenting during the pandemic is difficult - but help is at hand
Winter Wellbeing - looking after your mental health
I want to talk about leading by listening, especially in relation to our black and minority ethnic employees
Nicky Simpson is Commercial Director for Enterprise Flex-E-Rent and joined following the acquisition of SHB
We caught with our AVP European Airport Properties and Relations to learn more about her role career journey
Paul McCorkell to talk about his Enterprise career, what he would sing at a karaoke night and his love of skiing and hiking
This unique initiative brings together peer level mentees from BAME backgrounds across different organisations and sectors
Thrive is a disability support network led by employees that helps employees meet and share stories
My career with Enterprise began when a friend referred me to apply for the Management Training Programme
In the UK we currently have around 100 mental health first aiders – and we continue to expand our team
Shannon joined Enterprise in 2002 as a management trainee in California after graduating with a degree in Economics
Ralitsa studied for a degree in finance in the US after leaving her native Bulgaria
Caroline Howarth joined Enterprise in 1998 as an accounting assistant trainee